The tale of the two eggs and Ghana

We had hired a bus to take us to Ivory Coast and after being stuck at the border of Ivory Coast for 24 hrs and sleeping overnight we’d asked the driver for a partial refund of the money we paid totaling about $4850. He refused. We demanded he took us back to Accra to sort out everything. We drove an entire day back to Accra. The next day when we went to meet the company they refused to refund the percentage that was rightly ours. We cried and pleaded. They were ready to cheat us of the money we spent. God told me to get two raw eggs to make some pronouncements and break them as I leave the motor park.

So I told Pedro to purchase two raw eggs. After they gave us what they thought was fair, we left their office. As I walked out. It was as though I was in a daze and I smashed the first egg. And said if you try to purposefully cheat us of God’s money, you will sow and not reap.
I walked a little further and smashed the second egg repeating the same thing. I dusted my legs and got into the taxi. Suddenly a crowd gathered. A particular man demanded I come out of the car, then another went to call the chairman of the park. It was alot of back and forth and fear at the motor park. There was panic. The chairman was able to solve the problem and demanded the company pay us.

One of them mentioned appeasing the gods with a cow, but suddenly his heart melted towards me.
Before leaving the park, I offered to wash the eggs with water using a broom and pray. Which I did.
We left and went to the airport to purchase our ticket to Liberia. The amount they paid us back was exactly what we needed to pay for our ticket out of Ghana to Liberia. God knew we would have been stranded if that money was not refunded so we made sure he used raw eggs to get their attention. I later found out that traditionally, throwing raw eggs nullifies black magic and charms.

4 thoughts on “The tale of the two eggs and Ghana”

  1. God already circulated what you guys were going to passed through. God works beyond Man imagination when he called you he attended wisdom and knowledge to your journey keep obeying his words God bless you.

  2. God already circulated what you guys were going to passed through. God works beyond Man imagination when he called you he attatch wisdom and knowledge to your journey keep obeying his words God bless you.

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