The Pilgrimage of Hope

Hope tour might just be the revival of faith I need.

I liken this journey to a pilgrimage—a journey of faith to reawaken my soul. The revelation of God’s purpose for my life seemed to have quickened my soul and expanded my capacity to believe in God for more. It gave me courage like I never knew. It renewed my faith in God’s divine providence and His desire to use me for His glory, the same way He desires to use you. We are His hands and feet.

We are His clay as He molds us into what He wants. Yesterday before leaving on the trip, we realized we were short $3000 because of unexpected expenses. I almost started complaining to my husband when the holy spirit told me to stop. I grudgingly obeyed. Within 24hrs, God replaced that money and gave a tip. We had donations totaling $3255. Praise God! He paid the bills, so I won’t have to worry. He made a way when there seemed to be no way. He opened the door and calmed my fears.

This journey is a sacred journey, undertaken for a spiritual purpose to show me and others the awesomeness of God. Years from now, people will reference the Hope Tour as a revival of Hope not just in the hearts of children across the globe but as an awakening of unrelenting faith in God, a revival that one can connect. The Hope Tour is a pilgrimage as I walk in purpose, search for meaning, and fulfill my calling in Christ.

You don’t always have the answers on your journey to purpose, but God does. You may not see the whole staircase but take the first step, and He will reveal the rest and, more importantly, make provisions for it.

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