Press Release

Bread of Hope Children and Youth Foundation Set for Outreach Visit to 10 West African Countries

Organization will be reaching out to vulnerable children in slum communities with much-needed resources for body, soul and spirit

DAYTON, Ohio – November 1, 2022 – The Bread of Hope Children and Youth Foundation today announced its non-profit members will soon be traveling to 10 West African countries with the purpose of bringing relief to vulnerable and homeless children living in slum conditions. The Hope Tour will run from November 11-27, 2022, as 10 Hope Givers will travel a trail of hope, visiting Benin Republic, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Gambia, Senegal, Guinea and Nigeria.

The Hope Tour is funded by Hope Givers from around the world. Bread of Hope’s core team of 10 organizers and volunteers intend to make a positive difference for at least 5,000 children in West Africa. They will be giving out Hope Scholarships to more than 100 children living in communities that have limited resources. Children will be fed and provided with Hope Boxes filled with food and personal hygiene products. The Hope Givers will provide these children medical care as they share the love of God.

“Our mission is to connect people in great need of hope, giving them a reason to hang on knowing that we care for their well-being,” said a spokesperson for Bread of Hope. “The Hope Tour connects us with the children who need the most help. We are forging a new path, connected to our mission of feeding body, soul and spirit. We will create awareness about the lack of resources for underprivileged children located in many poor global locations.”

Bread of Hope is a 501c 3 non-profit organization created for children and young adults. It aims to provide shelter, rehabilitation, education, psycho-social support, recreation and a haven for orphaned, abused, neglected, abandoned, homeless, at-risk children, teens and young adults, while teaching them the truth of God’s love.

Earlier this year, founder Vivian Elebiyo-Okojie heard a clarion call to purchase 100 acres of land in Ibadan, Nigeria, to build a City of Hope – a center of restoration and a space for equipping the younger generation. It is self-funded by selling what the organization produces on the land, and whatever they create and through donations from individuals and organizations across the globe.

Some of Bread of Hope’s other initiatives include:

  • Hope Box: Helps provide food and personal hygiene items to the children at the City of Hope and other children across the globe.
  • Bag of Hope: School bags are provided to children in primary and secondary schools.
  • Creative, Innovation & Idea Lab: Helps young people learn the art of creativity, innovation, problem-solving and creating ideas for the 21st century.
  • Learn to Earn: A program for teens and young adults 14-24 that includes an in-person career exploration and development program.
  • Laptop of Hope: Provides new and refurbished laptops to young adults to learn and become tech ready.
  • Hope Scholarship: A scholarship program that pays yearly fees for underserved children.

Individuals are invited to follow the trail of hope and to become a Bread of Hope giver by visiting