Monrovia Experience

On the Nov.19, 2022, we woke up as early as 5am to catch up the flight, which we already had an earlier arrangement with a driver who charged us 500 Ghana cd, we paid him all the money a night before but to our greatest surprise this driver waited for us to put all our stuff in his vehicle then he said he cannot go again for that initial agreed price, that he wanted 1000 Ghana cd, hmmmm is like is a Ghanaian thing to always not follow any agreement even when is on white and black, they want to extort foreigners but at that point we have no choice we had to run along not to miss our flight, we departed around 9.50am, stopped at Abidjan and Conakry, we got to Monrovia around 5pm, waited to sort our luggage, the volunteers and the staff of Tropicana beach gave us a warm welcome and took us to the venue where the kids were waiting at the old warf Community, the food was ready, the kids were very happy but no light in that community and the only school there is run by the volunteers to provide education in that community. On board, some of our team members got the attention of people who were interested and ready to be part of the team; we finished around 8 pm, got to the beach by 10 pm, everyone went to their various rooms to relax, and the hotel gave the couple in our midst a free room.

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