Leaving Lagos in Less Than 2 Hours

I went to bed at 2.20 am, fully realizing that in less than 2 hrs, we’d planned on leaving Lagos for Benin Republic. I wasn’t exhausted or excited, and the feeling I had was a relief- the feeling of knowing that God’s idea was materializing. I was at peace.

Ten countries within two weeks are no easy feat. There’s nothing that prepares you for that. I got up, said a word of prayer, and was ready. At least as prepared as I can be. The plans to leave at 4.30 am quickly changed to almost 7 am as some organizers ran late. As with everything, human conflict almost became a vocal point. But one thing I’ve realized on this journey was that the devil would use anything, especially open doors of anger and conflict, to throw off God’s need to have a positive environment to carry out His work. My job was to make sure the devil did not have his way, not in my life, not in the team, not on this trip, and not with the Hope Tour.
God’s glory must always be the focus; His name must always be exalted.

The night prior, I suddenly sprained my arm, after which we also realized that the printer had utterly ruined our branded windbreakers.
But God reminded me that this tour wasn’t about me or the need for “perfect.” He will use anything, even the mess of a new beginning and a journey, to fulfill His purpose.

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