Small Change, Big Change #100 Fundraising Campaign

In an effort to get more children off the street and back to school, launch our school feeding program, and implement some of our initiatives during the Hope Tour 2023; Bread of Hope is launching our #100Naira Change Campaign to encourage young people to be active in giving towards change.

#100 Fundraising Campaign

Introducing the #100NairaChange campaign!

Every contribution, no matter how small, can create waves of change. By donating just 100 naira, YOU can be a part of this transformative journey with the #HopeTour and #BreadOfHope initiatives. Let’s empower Nigeria’s future through education and ensure no child goes hungry. Small Change, Big Impact.  #SmallChangeBigChange #InvestInOurFuture

Fundraising Tracker

Amount Raised

Campaign Purpose

Campaign Goal

Fundraising Target

What if your #100 Naira  can change a community? Feed a child? Save a life? Build a School? Get a child off the street and back to school? What if you can make a change? What if you can do it now?