
Our first leg of the Hope tour to Benin starts today, 11/11/22

It’s 8.03 am, and we have just prayed and are finally leaving Agege, a boisterous neighborhood in the heart of Lagos, Nigeria. Agege feels like an open market with unplanned dwellings built around it. We filled our coaster bus with items packed for the children. I’m still figuring out how to carry these items through

Our first leg of the Hope tour to Benin starts today, 11/11/22 Read More »

The Pilgrimage of Hope

I liken this journey to a pilgrimage—a journey of faith to reawaken my soul. The revelation of God’s purpose for my life seemed to have quickened my soul and expanded my capacity to believe in God for more. It gave me courage like I never knew. It renewed my faith in God’s divine providence and His desire to use me for His glory, the same way He desires to use you. We are His hands and feet. We are His clay as He molds us into what He wants.

The Pilgrimage of Hope Read More »