The Patience of Guinea

We’d finished our work in Guinea and tried purchasing flights to Senegal on Tuesday. The night before we stayed at the worst hotel with no running water. At Air Senegal, everything was against us purchasing those tickets. We tried everything until 5.20 pm. The flight which was supposed to be at 8 pm was canceled and we knew we needed another alternative.

As we walked towards the taxi that’d waited for us all day, we walked into the Emirates office and for the first time met a man named Daye who speaks English. We were overjoyed. We explained what was going on and he mentioned that flights were hard to get for the next two days, he helped us get a bus. After making arrangements the bus was going to take us to the Gambia. After a couple of hours of the trip, the bus kept breaking down. That was the beginning of our problems. We didn’t understand why it was happening. Some people questioned if God wanted us to go to Senegal. They’d fixed the bus up to 7 times and we kept having issues.

We’d been on the road for 20hrs at this time on a supposed 18 hrs journey and were still in Guinea. We started the journey at 11 pm on Tuesday 22nd of November and Thursday 24th was when we entered Senegal but as I type we are still on the road at 7.47 to Banjul Gambia. We slept at the Guinea border Wednesday night and we found some meal. The last good meal we had was on Tuesday. It’s been overwhelming but I’ve learnt patience. I realized God kept making the bus break down because the road ahead of us was treacherous. We would have been stuck in a forest with wild animals and no hope in sight. God used vehicle malfunction to work out a better plan and save us from danger.

The last shower anyone had was on the 22nd and we have a flight to catch on Friday the 24th. We are covered with red dust and need a good shower, a hot meal, and a comfortable bed to lay our heads.

1 thought on “The Patience of Guinea”

  1. I been into prophecy for over three years let me tell you this God work beyond Man imagination, Every delay there is a positive response.
    Let me give you potion of my testimony:
    I work at the Roberts International Airport for 10 year
    With a salary of $550.00 USD
    On July 31,2019 Time:10:30Pm I received a gift of prophecy ,immediately God to me not to work anymore and I said God how is my family going to survive , what will become of my 10 years service to the company the next day I forced it go to work God turnmanted the hold day the company had to send get car and send drop me home
    Since then up to present I’m not working but God is doing everything for my family and I the company wrote me to get back to work but don know what is the hold on after few days the company sent me a dismissed letter and immediately remove my name off the payroll.
    When God call you he used you at his will not your will.
    God hate stubbornness .

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