The Crisis of the journey: The Working of Faith

The first leg of my journey from Columbus to Washington was awful. After the stress of repacking my luggage and spending an extra $800 on excess baggage. I was exhausted. God said to sow some baby items we received as donations into the life of a kind pregnant lady at the counter who mentioned she was having twins and was so patient as I repacked the items. Most items were Hope Tour things for the children and the team gear. But I was disappointed I had to spend that much because every dime must be used wisely for the children.

I handed her the formula feeder and breast milk storage pack. She happened to be from the last country on the Hope tour trail. Senegal.

I knew that was a divine assignment and a seed for what would occur next. After going through 2 TSAs and unloading 12 laptops at each of them, I almost missed my flight. I ran to the gate frantically as they were already calling my name.
When I got on the plane, the devil attacked my health. I couldn’t breathe; my RSV symptoms flared up so badly. I coughed for almost an hour non-stop. Nonetheless, I caught the attention of everyone on the flight.

I used the inhaler prescribed by my doctor the day prior, and no relief was in sight. I couldn’t breathe.
The mask wire punctured the side of my nose, causing bleeding in addition to the cough, running nose, shortness of breath, and nausea.

I asked the hostess for water, prayed, used the cough medicine, and started getting relief within a few minutes.
This crisis could have been worse. The devil wanted to send a message about the extraordinary work ahead, but God was in control. He holds everything in His hands, and nothing can stop His plan.

I just landed in Washington, almost like nothing happened. When God sends you on an assignment, the devil will try hard to stop and discourage you.

Maybe this Hope tour isn’t just about the children God sends me to. The sudden attack on my health tested my faith in God and how much I can hold on even when facing discouragement and uncertainties when sickness rids my body when I stare out in the distance in despair. Can I still trust God and put my Hope in Him?

Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.
James 1:3-4
Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.
James 1:2‭-‬4 MSG

6 thoughts on “The Crisis of the journey: The Working of Faith”

  1. Wow….This can only be God in action. God’s assignment can not be stopped or hindered by anyone or any circumstances. Thanks for your fearless Faith walk and thanks for sharing your story .

  2. Yours on this mission FAP.

    Oh dearest, this must be so hard for the devil the number of nations God has sent you tk go and lend to. He can’t bear it.

    I tell you. You’re a HUUGE success already and the devil can’t stop us now.

    We move in the name of JESUSSSSS Christ.

  3. Oh Vivian, you are under attack because the enemy doest want you to succeed. But the Spirit of the Lord is bigger than anything the enemy can throw at you. God is working through you to achieve mighty things in his name. To God be the glory. He’s called you to a mighty work. God bless you in all that you do.

  4. Hallelujah to God! He has gone ahead of you already! The mountains will skip before you and the hills like rams! Praying for everyone on the road with you

    Return with testimony sis!

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